A waiver is a legal document that attendees sign to acknowledge the risks associated with your event.

As Smartwaiver is now integrated with FEARTICKET, you can create custom waivers under your Smatwaiver account and link directly to your events under FEARTICKET. 

How to Set Up Smartwaiver Integration:

  • Navigate to Settings (top right) > Integration > Smartwaiver.
  1. Log in to SmartWaiver
  2. Navigate to the My Account> API Keys section of your SmartWaiver account.
  3. Click Create New Key and give it a descriptive name that will remind you which application it's used for. Copy the generated key immediately and store it in a secure location. You won't be able to see or copy the key once you finish generating it.
  4. Copy the API Key and paste it in the text box.
  5. Click on Connect with SmartWaiver button

  • Select Events for Waivers:

    • You will see a list of events where you can add the waiver. Click the "Connect Now" button next to the desired event to link it to Smartwaiver.
  • Enable Smartwaiver Settings:

    • A new page will open. Enable the Smartwaiver settings for that event.
  • Select Waiver Template:

    • The system will pull all templates created under your Smartwaiver account. In the "Smartwaiver Template" dropdown, select the waiver template you want to apply to the selected event. You can preview the selected template by clicking the "Preview Template" button.
  • Select Required Tickets:

    • In the "Select Tickets" dropdown, choose the tickets for which a waiver signature is mandatory. Customers purchasing these tickets will need to sign the waiver.
  • Define Signature Requirements:

    • Under "Signature required from, " you have two options:
      • Ticket Buyer on Behalf of Attendees: Only the ticket buyer needs to sign the waiver for multiple tickets in a single order.
      • Ticket Buyers and Attendees: All attendees must sign the waiver. For example, if four tickets are purchased in a single order, all four attendees will receive the Smartwaiver email.
  • Customize Waiver Email:

    • The default waiver email content is provided. If you wish to modify it, you can do so in the text box, but do not remove or edit any text within the {{ }} tags.
  • Save Your Changes:

    • Make sure to click the "Save" button to apply all settings.

What Happens Next? 

  • On the ticket buyer end: 
    • Once the ticket buyer purchases tickets for your event, they will receive an email for signing the waiver along with their order confirmation.
  • View orders linked to Waiver:
    • You can view signed or unsigned waivers by navigating to Manage Attendees > Orders.