The Customer Management functionality centralizes all data related to your ticket buyers across all events, providing a comprehensive view in one place.

Accessing Customer Management

  1. Navigate to Settings: Click on "Settings" located at the top right corner of your dashboard.
  2. Select Customer Management: Choose "Customer Management" from the options.

Customer Grid 

  • Utilize Filters: Use various filters available at the top to refine the list of customers based on specific criteria.
  • Life Time Value Filter: Identify high-value customers to customize your marketing strategies effectively.
  • Search After selecting filters, click on the "Search" button to update the customer list accordingly.
  • Export Functionality: Export the customer list into Excel format by clicking on the "Export" button.
  • Customer Tiles: Each tile displays basic customer information such as name, email address, and profile photo with a View More link.
  • View More: Click on "View More" on a customer tile to access detailed customer information and their complete order history.

Detailed Order Information

  • Customer Dashboard: View registration date, past ticket purchases, Life Time Value, total orders, and other relevant details. 
  • Expand Order DetailsClick on the plus sign next to an order to see ticket-level specifics.
  • Blocking Customers: To prevent a customer who has raised disputes multiple times with malicious intent from purchasing tickets for future events, click on the "Block Customer" button located on the right side. This action will restrict them from buying tickets using their registered email address and contact number.

This functionality ensures efficient management of customer data, facilitating targeted marketing efforts and improved customer service.