This article will guide you through obtaining a comprehensive sales report (Box-office/Online/All), which encompasses details such as order information, revenue, service fees, applicable taxes, provided discounts, cancelled orders, gross revenue, and more. 

1. Login into your FEARTICKET Admin Account 

       Event Dashboard>Reports>Sales 

2. Choose a timestamp interval (Day, Week, Month, Custom Date Range) to generate a sales report.

    Upon selecting the desired timestamp, the sales report will adjust accordingly.

3. Select Selling Point (ONLINE, BOX-OFFICE or BOTH), View by (DATE or HOUR). 

    Select a selling point (ALL, ONLINE, BOX-OFFICE) and it will show you the data accordingly.

4. Breakdown by OR View by (DATE or HOUR) 

On the basis of breakdown selection, the data will be generated accordingly on a date-wise/hourly basis.

  After selecting the timestamp, remember to Apply these changes.

5. The sales report is now generated on your Display. 

Here you will see the overall statistics of sales generated on the basis of breakdown selection (Online, Box-office, All)

The graphs depict the sales performance (Online/Box-office/All) for the past 10 days, offering detailed insights into Revenue, Ticket sales, and Order data.

Here you will see the sales information with a given date including, the number of total tickets, Total orders, Order amount, Fees, Tax applied, Discount, etc.


Export the file if you want to save it.